Can you spray polyurethane on a pre-cat lacquer?

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New User
I have never done it. But I would guess that if you scuff sanded the pre-cat lacquer to give it some tooth. Then applied a barrier coat of de-waxed shellac both Poly and waterborne lacquer should work fine.
Just curious why are you asking??



Michael Shelley
Corporate Member
First question comes to mind, why would you want to? Is this a refinishing job or what? Please give us some more info.



New User
Many thanks for the replys. Here is the skinny. I purchased some solvent based black lacquer to spray on a desk I was building. Dummy me, I had no experience in spraying, so after a bit of research on spraying, I jumped right in and started spraying the lacquer in my basement. I was wearing a mask, so I could not tell that it was stinking up the entire house. When I stopped spraying and took my mask off I realized my BIG mistake. I decided that I would never spray solvent-based lacquer inside ever again. Well, what to do at this point, I have a desk, partially sprayed with solvent-based lacquer and I need to finish spraying the thing. I did some more research and decided maybe one option was to switch over to a waterbourne lacquer from Target Coatings. I have purchased the TC clear lacquer, some Mixol black to color, and a gallon of polyurethane as a topcoat...... but I am not sure using this over the solvent-based lacquer is possible.

I guess I have another option now that the weather is warmer and that is to finish the project with the solvent-based lacquer by spraying outside. Anyway, now you know the rest of the story.


Michael Shelley
Corporate Member

Were it me, I would wait and finish with the solvent lacquer. One thing to keep in mind if you do put Poly on it, and that is down the road you may want to change the look and poly is hard to get off once it cures good. You may want to look into water based products for spraying indoors. I use pre-cat lacquers exclusively on my furniture whether it be a new piece or a refinish job. The one and only time I have ever used Poly was for a bar top I made for a client and they requested it. I basically applied it and closed the shop til the next day because it drys so slowly that it ties up the shop til it drys. This went on for three days (three coats). The customer was very happy with the job and still raves about it but I don't do poly anymore.

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