Burying My Mistakes

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
Ever since I got the band saw and the lathe, I cannot get enough of the round projects. This is a requested project from my mother in law who lives with us. You see I love pepper, salt and all of the things I should not have. Our kitchen table is always laden with assorted spices that I like with my meals. The other day she said she would like to have a lazy Susan on the table for my Hot Stuff. So you know where that took me. I went to see Steve Sanders and got some of his beautiful cherry chunks. This project started with two 8/4 cherry chunks about 18 inches long by 7 inches wide. I jointed the edges and glued them up. Then cut a twelve and one half circle on the band saw. Put the blank on the lathe and the rest is history:rotflm:. The reason for the title of this thread is the fact that there are a couple of oops' in the center of the lazy susan. Well, I have learned a trick from my painters at the body shop I manage. If they make a little mistake they bury it in clear. I used Deft Semi Gloss lacquer to bury my mistakes. I sprayed it heavy and it flowed out nicely to cover all of my mistakes. Even the dry spots that show up in the photos are now gone. It was tough to keep it from running but I managed ok.

The main finish is blo, tung oil, poly and then the clear and it worked surprisingly well despite the mixture.

Thanks for looking:embaresse


Well, I have learned a trick from my painters at the body shop I manage. If they make a little mistake they bury it in clear.

Yep exactly - works great if you don't used that 5 letter nasty word on wood (STAIN)


1) Have you hugged your wife and kids lately?
2) Does your wife have to pick up long noodles from your hair every time she sees you for the very brief time while you eat?
3) Are you dreaming of turning the "perfect" bowl?
4) Do you look at a piece of wood and wished it were much thicker?


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Yep exactly - works great if you don't used that 5 letter nasty word on wood (STAIN)


1) Have you hugged your wife and kids lately?
2) Does your wife have to pick up long noodles from your hair every time she sees you for the very brief time while you eat?
3) Are you dreaming of turning the "perfect" bowl?
4) Do you look at a piece of wood and wished it were much thicker?


New User
Chris Kalai Allen
Hi Tracey, looks great, I like how you made the side using the bandsaw, aloha.



Corporate Member
Nice lazy susan, Tracy! Thanks for the tip on hiding mistakes. Does Deft sell by the train-load??:rotflm:


Nice work Tracy, It put a smile on my face to see that body men still use clear to "clean up" a finish. Decades ago I was in the body shop supply racket and the less skillful the customer the more clear he could be counted on to purchase :gar-La;


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Corporate Member
They are called design modifcations. I wish I could make something half as nice.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Thanks for the kind comments. I am really getting to like the Deft Lacquer spray. It goes on nicely and dries pretty fast. I don't understand why the second and third pictures came out like they did:dontknow:. They were all three taken with the same camera and the lazy susan was sitting in the same place. Lighting I guess:icon_scra
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