Bridge Job

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The WoodButcher

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The WoodButcher
Hi All, I finished the bridge job today. They have some of the wood I cut installed now. It's Way Cool, knowing that I cut lumber for this bridge. The company I did it for, gave me a PO#, whats that?
I told the guy I'd do that this time, but there won't be a next time if thats how they are gonna pay. I'm a C.O.D kinda guy
. I did make lots of connections here on this job though. But took a really bad beating on price. The guy is a word wizard and led me like a sheep to the slaughter
But like I said I knew that going in, I just wanted to make the connections and I did that so I'm happy. All I cut was the trim and the 16" arch at the top of the entrance. Only about 268 BF for both ends.



New User
Cool bridge! I once made a bridge in drafting class out of basal wood. A PO # is a Purchase Order Number. Not sure why he asked you for one. When I managed the hotel I did some maintenance work, and say I bought something at Lowes for Room 220. I would tell them that the PO# was rm 220. They would key it into the register and the receipt would have the PO# on it, and so would the statement. Its just a way of keeping up with how the money is spent. Food Lion was one of my corporate clients and they had a PO# for each employee that stayed in the hotel. They really keep up with how their money is spent.

Well got to go get a tree

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!


New User
Sure does look nice. I have a fondness for covered bridges. Are you familiar with the "Ole Gilliam Mill" on NC 42 west of Sanford? We have The Ole mill crankup every year in may. The Gilliam mill is a grist mill but they also have a sawmill too. They sawed the lumber for a covered bridge and built it across the road . If you ever get this way check it out. If anyone is interested in going to the crankup and would like a brochure or just have a question let me know. I am a member of C-CAPE (CENTRAL CAROLINA ANTIQUE POWER and EQUIPMENT) CLUB and we display tractors and do demostrations there.

The WoodButcher

New User
The WoodButcher
Thats what I say it is Jeff, but the logger says it's white oak. I'm not sure with no leaves. I do know it's one of the hardest things I've cut yet, Whatever it is. Also hard on blades, heavy too. It looks like poplar when you cut it but, in a few days, it looks like oak?:roll: Whats the deal with that?


Hard to tell by the picture - did it smell like puke when you cut it?


New User
I agree it is WAY cool to have had a part in that bridge. It's beautiful.

The P.O. thing is normal fare when dealing with big companies...even mid-sized companies. I hope they pay their invoices promptly andyour new contacts lead to good things. :icon_thum

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