Best clean-up for shipping grease?

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New User
Well, with the help of David Norby (Nativespec), I was able to get the new jointer planer into the garage. Thanks again for the help David!

Now comes the post-delivery cleanup and setup.

I'm surprised that they coat the cutter head in shipping gunk. Anyone have some helpful pointers on how they've gotten this stuff off of their equipment with the least amount of elbow grease?

Here's the photos of the coverage:




I'm guessing that I've got to remove all the carbide inserts before cleanup



New User
Scott Smith
Kevin, typically I remove cosmoline by either spraying WD40 on it and letting it sit a while (I use the refillable hand sprayer), or I use mineral spirit solvent with a brush.

I don't think that I'd remove the inserts though - just run a bunch of scrap (but clean) wood through to help remove and absorb the grease after you get the bulk off with the solvent.

Once it's clean, be sure to put some type of surface treatment (wax, etc) back on the machined surfaces so that they don't rust.



New User
Kevin it's good to see that evrything worked out well, I've never had any luck with grease on Grizzly machinery, always needed lots of elbow grease. Good Luck with it.


By the way , You suck !


Senior User
On the head, I would remove it, then take offf bearings. Get a tall container and fill it with mineral spirits and let head soak. On tables, apply some MS and get a plastic drywall compound knife and have at it. A steam jenny will melt cosmoline instantly, but also cause rust instantly. A couple weeks ago, I got a Grizzly 1182 that was about twenty years old. Still had a lot of cosmoline on it. Only the working surfaces were completely clean. MS and a rag with elbow grease did the trick. Lots of elbow grease!


Congrats on your new toy!

As for cosmoline, I had pretty good luck taking a mix of kerosene and naphthalene. Just make sure the area is well ventilated! After most of it is removed, I wipe it all down with pure naphthalene...still takes some elbow grease!



New User
WD-40 works wonders and would be my first pick. Kerosene works too but doesn't come in a spray can. Mineral spirits works but not as well. There's a chance that MS could damage the paint or plastic parts on the machine.
As far as the head, spray it with WD-40 and wipe it with a cloth a couple of times being careful not to cut yourself. There's no reason it has to be perfectly clean. I certainly wouldn't consider taking the head out just to remove cosmoline.
Just my $0.02


Corporate Member
Congratulations on the new toy!:eusa_clapI cleaned every one of my shop machines, TS, BS, DP, Jointer, with plain old Kerosene. It's much cheaper than WD40 or other chemicals and works great. I simply pour it on a rag and wipe away the cosmoline. If you want to spay, you could put it in a garden type sprayer. Don't forget to protect the machined surfaces after cleaning....HTH
Take care,


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Corporate Member
I often clean off grease with a can of brake cleaner from the auto parts store. WATCH OUT FOR RUBBER PARTS! Be sure to apply a coat of wax or other protectant immediately afterwards. I'm now trying out a product I got at Sears (yes, Sears) called TP-9. The kit comes with a spray of Phosphoric acid to remove rust and a spray can of light oil to prevent its return. It works so far on a 30 year old DP column I sanded down and sprayed up.
By the way, I think ya just showed us the grease to show off the planer. It is a good looking unit & should give you lotsa service.


New User
My Delta DJ-30 manual recommended using kerosene to clean it, and it did work well. One tip though, make sure you don't have anything too good by the dust chute. I had a stack of white oak by my dust chute, and it got specks of goop all over it :BangHead:. At first I couldn't even figure out what it was. Then one day I looked under the jointer guard and it was coated with goop that flew from around the knives.



When I bought my Grizzly tools (Tablesaw, Jointer, Bandsaw), they came coated with Cosmoline, too. I bought a spray can of Citrus Degreaser from Grizzly at the same time and it cut right through the stuff easily. Their current product is H9692 and it is only $5.95 per can. I'm sure you could find a similar product at your local auto parts store.
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