Antler Pen Opinions - Critique

What is your opinion on this antler pen?

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Chris Mathes
I have been holding on to this piece of antler for almost a year and I finally got around to turning it. I held onto it because it seemed to have potential to make for a unique pen. I am happy that I was able to keep this small 'antler' on the pen, but I'm not sure what to think. Sometimes, when I make something, I have trouble being objective enough to say that I like it or I should trash it, so, I'm looking to you all for help!

Unfortunately, the pictures seem a bit 'off' to me as I think it has a different 'perspective' in person as something is lost in the 2 dimensional image. Anyhow, please give me your honest critique....

...I'm especially interested to hear what it looks like through eagle eyes...:rolf:





New User
Chris I had to vote for quite ugly, but you didn't include the option that I really wanted. Quite Unique. I don't think it would be very comfortable to hold and write with, but like lots of art that probably isn't the purpose. It's like a bowl that can't hold soup. I think it is a cool pen, and there may be someone out there in the world that would want to add it to their collection. It's a conversational piece that's for sure.
Maybe if you had made it as a capped pen like a Baron, the large flared section of antler could have been removed as the cap :eusa_thin:eusa_thin



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Dolan Brown
I would have voted "Very Unique" if that had been available. I'm not sure it would fit in my shirt pocket very well :lol: but you probably didn't make it for a functional pen. I believe it will be a nice show pen and conversation piece.


Corporate Member
Chris I had to vote for quite ugly, but you didn't include the option that I really wanted. Quite Unique. I don't think it would be very comfortable to hold and write with, but like lots of art that probably isn't the purpose. It's like a bowl that can't hold soup. I think it is a cool pen, and there may be someone out there in the world that would want to add it to their collection. It's a conversational piece that's for sure.
Maybe if you had made it as a capped pen like a Baron, the large flared section of antler could have been removed as the cap :eusa_thin:eusa_thin


I'm with Dave. I would have voted Quite Unique. It is certainly a conversation piece.


New User
Interesting, indeed. In all honestly not the most attractive thing I've ever seen, but definitely something I'd be proud to show off (& get ready for the conversation that may follow) :-D


Clay Lowman
Ugly, but unique. I'll agree that it maybe should have been a capped pen. It would definitely be quite a conversation piece.


New User
Chris Mathes
:) I got a chuckle out of everyone's comments...thanks for sharing. So, I expected Eagle would not like it because he does not like anything that is not b2b...he has no creativity and no clue about 'thinking outside of the box' ...but the rest of you!?!? Come on! Hehehe

Seriously, you all are right, it is awkward to hold and to write with. There is 'some' redeeming factor with it and I will keep it as a conversation piece. It's amazing how many people have a hard time believing that antler pens are really antler, so maybe this one will drive it home. I showed it to a few people today and they guessed that it was made from a shell...didn't expect that ;-)

Anyhow, thanks for your feedack, I really appreciate it...



New User
I wouldn't waste the match or the effort to light it but if after dissassembling it to save the kit I saw a bon fire I wouldn't hesitate to toss it on it.
I do turn a lot of B2B pen using blanks that are quite unique, but I thin one of the resons I like to make pens is that after completion they are a useful item.
I would guess the underlying theme is "form follows function"
I can see no reason to spend hours turning a bowl that won't hold soup just to "call it art".,but that is just my take.
By the same token I cannot see any reson to use a "pocket pen kit" to make a pen that is uncomfortable to carry.
It appears there is a lot of pith in the antler(the dark sections hilighted by CA and accelerant).
The stock CB was used and partially hidden by the portion of thr antler that sticks out.
From teh picture there doesn't appear to be much of a gloss finish.
It has the same effect on me as the pens I see made out of twigs with a Bic refill stuck in them.
If you want to "show people" that a pen can be made of antler there are better ways of doing it.
Every once in a while the IAP has a contest for the ugliest pen.
I would submit this one and then look for a bonfire.
(Oh yeah I voted to burn it)



New User
:lol: Still laughing. While I don't think I'd ever burn it -- a bit extreme -- I would consider entering it in the contest. Keep a good spirit & have fun with it!

Gary G

New User
In my personal opinion, you had an opportunity to make a fine desk pen with a fitting stand and you wasted the material on something really nasty looking.
However, you could disassemble the upper barrel; convert that portion to a pen holder for a desk set and make a new upper barrel.


Corporate Member
Chris, I give you kudos on this pen just for trying something different. While I agree that having a functional end product is a huge plus, there are plenty of people in this world who appreciate those things that are simply different.


Corporate Member
In my personal opinion, you had an opportunity to make a fine desk pen with a fitting stand and you wasted the material on something really nasty looking.
However, you could disassemble the upper barrel; convert that portion to a pen holder for a desk set and make a new upper barrel.

personally i agree with gary here. a pen holder would be more fitting.:eusa_doh:


New User
To Whom ever else voted to burn it, thank you. I was gertting lonely standing out on that limb by myself.:roll:


New User
Chris Mathes
Well, I tried something different and it didn't work out too well, but I learned a few don't invite Eagle to critique your experiments :rolf:. The overwhelming consensus on the pen lead me to do the inevitable...I entered it into the calendar submissions. :eusa_danc:lol:

To all those who said that they would have voted 'unique', that is exactly why I didn't put that option. I knew it was unique :) ... that wouldn't tell me a whole lot... I wanted to know if you liked the appearance. Also, I do tend to prefer a pen that you can actually write with, and agree that is a plus :icon_thum The pen is actually usable, but not in the convenience you would find with most.

Anyhow...thanks to all who voted and look forward to seeing it in the calendar. I believe deer season starts in Nov, so that should be an appropriate month for my picture... :)

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