Another major step

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New User
As I hope you all know, it is my and the rest of the Board of Directors' goal to make NCWWI and North Carolina independent of myself. That is from all aspects, technical, management, and monetary.

We have made great strides in the last 6 months towards this goal. Revenue from ads and affiliates have increased to point that they are significant. Donations are OK and we'll be experimenting with some of the ways you guys have recommended after the first of the year.
We now have people who technically can run this site and expand it. And we now have people who will run this site in name as well as in fact.

So the time as come to take the next steps in our plans. On Dec 21, DaveO will take over as webmaster, this will also make him the VP for Internet Operations in the corporation. Bas will take over as senior technical person of the site. That is he will direct the the Admins, Site programmers,etc. to keep the site running and to keep enhancing the site. His title will be Asst. Webmaster, but perhaps he can come up with something that is a better description. However, as asst. webmaster, he is the second in command.

Actually, I intend to start to phase out starting tonight. I have some code to write yet, before the 21st. But from that point on, I'm just an advisior and resource if needed. What will I be doing? I am still President and treasurer of the corporation. That means the legal buck stops with me and so does the financial. I expect the finances will be keeping me pretty busy for a bit.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Somehow I don't see DaveO as Papa Smurf. Now Bas on the other hand :rotflm:


Staff member
Corporate Member
His title will be Asst. Webmaster, but perhaps he can come up with something that is a better description.
How about 'Supreme Exalted Illustrious Second Banana'?:rotflm:
But seriously, folks, I'm glad to see you're bestowing responsibilities on people able and willing. You'll still have your hands full with the financial end.


Corporate Member about that. I'm sure under their leadership all will keep on going as well as it has been going with this site which to me remains the best forum out there for woodworkers. I just wonder if DaveO and Bas will still be themselves with all this new power and all. They have respectively been helping a lot of folks with many WW related issues, questions, etc.; and adding a lot of lively and entertaining posts to the daily member exchanges. I hope they can keep some of that up in their new roles. Thanks for the update and all you've done here Steve.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Does this mean the site will be more stable? :slap: ;-)

How about just taking the t off Asst for Bas? :qleft7:

Alas, all in fun. Hopefully, we will see more posts of Steve in the shop!!


New User
Somehow I don't see DaveO as Papa Smurf. Now Bas on the other hand :rotflm:

Hey at least I am the one with the beard...that's getting more grey everyday




New User

I know it has been said before but I thought you really deserve a big THANKS for all that you have done to make this site a reality and great place to visit.

So THANKS! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

To DaveO and Bass - go team go - ya got some big shoes to fill!! :XXcompute:XXcompute




Corporate Member

Thank you so very much for creating this cosmic oasis for like minded, sawdust snorting, tool challenged wood heads to gather and converse in a congenial and entertaining atmosphere.

You will always be the top Smurf, and we all owe you a deep debt of gratitude for your dedication and personal expense to make this a reality and an on-going institution of the best things about our shared passons.

Now, take some time off from the books and learn how to enjoy the monster you have created. To quote from a classic:
"It's ALIVE"!!




New User
DaveO, You are the Supreme Commander :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Bas, You are the Wiz :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum

Steve, I don't know what you are ????
But you have built a legacy here in NC :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

You guys have certainly earned my respect and appreciation through your hard work and wisdom. :yes4lo:



Corporate Member
hmmm.... On the subject of titles um... King of Clayton? nah we kicked out the royalty a couple hunert years ago....:gar-La; Lord leroy???? nah his name is dave....:cool: how bout Onan the barbarian? well, nah he's kinda too nice for ta be a barbarian.:wink_smil sultan of shelac? er no... he likes poly.:gar-Bi minwack mac? hmmm....:nah: guess webmaster dave is what we are stuck with.:icon_thum good to see ya slackin up a bit steve. you deserve some free time too. good on ya!:icon_thum now how's bout we see some project pics from YOU!!!!!!:rotflm: as far as bass's title? hmmm.... mike I like ur line o thinkin! :rolf:


New User
hmmm.... On the subject of titles um... King of Clayton? nah we kicked out the royalty a couple hunert years ago....:gar-La; Lord leroy???? nah his name is dave....:cool: how bout Onan the barbarian? well, nah he's kinda too nice for ta be a barbarian.:wink_smil sultan of shelac? er no... he likes poly.:gar-Bi minwack mac? hmmm....:nah: guess webmaster dave is what we are stuck with.:icon_thum good to see ya slackin up a bit steve. you deserve some free time too. good on ya!:icon_thum now how's bout we see some project pics from YOU!!!!!!:rotflm: as far as bass's title? hmmm.... mike I like ur line o thinkin! :rolf:

How about "The Potentate of Pink Paint?"

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