A little Gem From Harbor Freight

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
I was in the market for a drill chuck to use on the lathe. A woodworking retailer offered it for 34.99. I spoke to Jeremy while at the retailer and he told me about a place in Charlotte that had the same chuck for 12.99. I found this chuck and decided to give it a try. I used it to drill seven weed pots this weekend and it performed flawlessly. I would endorse this item as a gem from Harbor Freight. For $6.99, how could you go wrong?? There are a few items that Harbor Freight sells that are well worth the price. I would say it is worth the seven dollar price. It does not come with a chuck key, so make sure you have one.


Thanks for looking


New User
Pete Davio
Tracy, I actually believe that there are many gems in piles 'o stuff at HF. Thanks for pointing out another one!


New User
Did they carry it in the store or did you have to order online? If in the store, which store did you go to? Thanks!

Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
Yea I saw that last week at the Char. store. I just wish they had it in MT1:BangHead:. I could use it on the lathe I got a couple weeks ago.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Tracy, I'm glad you found a gem from HF. That definitely helps me after the bad luck I've had there recently. Thanks for sharing. :icon_thum


Tar Heel

New User
Tracy, I'm glad you found a gem from HF. That definitely helps me after the bad luck I've had there recently. Thanks for sharing. :icon_thum


Trent, I've read your thread about your experience with the HF 34706 lathe and, as Slick Willie use to say, I feel your pain. I have had that lathe for 5 1/2 years and the only thing I have had to do was replace the belt on the reeves drive. And it was only six months ago that I had to do that. There are several on NCWW that have that lathe and many on another forum that I sometimes visit (shame on me) and just about everyone thinks that it is one of HF's gems. We all know it has its limitations, but for the price it is a great value and gives good service. For someone who is not turning for a living and running a production shop and isn't one who has to have a Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, etc. simply for the sake of having a brand name simply to satisfy his ego, some of HF gems are worth having. I certainly can't blame you for being somewhat gun shy but would suggest that you not completely write off HF as having nothing but junk because it just isn't true. Good luck with your turning 'cause you're off to a great start. BTW, I got the extended warranty for about $20 when I bought mine but did not renew it after it expired. You might talk to them about that when you return it (if you return it, can't remember what you did about that).

Splint Eastwood

New User
Yes, I got that one too! Someone here ( I believe Woodartz) told me bout it after I had gotten my HF lathe.

With the cost of "attachments" its nice to know you don't have to spend additional bucks on this one.



Corporate Member
We've been to the on in Asheville 4 or 5 times and they have yet to have that in stock.
Glad to hear its worth having if I ever find one there cause I've been tring.


New User
I have the same chuck and it really is very good. Mine DID come with key so yours may have been removed for some reason in the shop, go back and check out another one.
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