2x6 Pine-cicle

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New User
I needed a piece of 2x6 for a project I'm working on so I decided to stop by a local hardware store that sells some building materials on the way home. I drive through the gate and around back to the lumber. I figured I'd pick up a 2x6x8 off the stack, throw it in the truck and pay for it on the way out.

I walk up to the stack of 2x6's, select a descent looking board on the top and grab it. I think "Man, this is packed tight!" No bands around the pack. I grab a piece of lumber to pry the board loose. The board pops up into the air and flips over.

IT WAS FROZEN!!!:nah: The whole pack of lumber was frozen together!

I went inside and asked the manager if he had any 2x6's that weren't frozen. He looked at me and said "Nope, amazing ain't it."

Guess I'll have to wait until the spring thaw to get my 2x6.

Rick Doby


New User
And you wonder why construction lumber has a tendency to warp, bow, twist and otherwise go Pringle chip on you.



New User
:rotflm: At least the BORG's keep theirs inside - The lumberyard where we get our building material keeps all of theirs under sheds out in the yard -


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Corporate Member
I cant't imagine how Carter & 84 Lumber stayed in business as long as they did around here keeping their lumber in open faced sheds. Treated lumber looked like pork rinds in those stores.


Better construction lumber is usually only dried to 15% MC so I'm not at all surprised it's frozen. You'll need 6 ~10% MC for indoor use (furniture) All store bought construction lumber should be stamped...

KD19 means kiln dried to 19% MC
KD15 means kiln dried to 15% MC

The other number on the stamp is the mill identifier); 3) a specie of lumber less prone to warping (SPF - Spruce/Pine/Fir - is likely available in most parts of the US. It tends to be a little straighter than SYP - Southern Yellow Pine or DF - Doug Fir.)
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