
  1. MarkE

    Any Combo machine users here?

    In my continued search for a sliding table saw, I came across a used Robland X-31 combo machine. It's about 10 years old. It has a 10" sliding table saw, 12" planer, 12" jointer, shaper and slot mortiser, all run with three separate 3hp motors. Anyone have experience using this type of...
  2. Tarhead

    Tru-Oil Users?

    I just used Tru-Oil for the first time on a Ukulele project and really liked it. Anybody else using it? It's marketed to Gun stock refinishers and works like BLO but leaves a...
  3. Makinsawdust

    Tormek Users, Educate Me

    My wife says she will buy me a machine to sharpen her scissors and kitchen knives. Now let me qualify that by telling you that she sews hundreds of costumes a year. She has a dozen or so pairs of scissors so a quality machine that will do the job quickly and without a lot of fuss is what I'm...
  4. TracyP

    Picnic Physical Address For GPS Users

    Is there a physical address that GPS users can plug in to get them and me to the Picnic???
  5. S

    All you router users.......

    I really would like to hear your opinions on router bit brands-good and not so good. 20 years ago I threw my old hand held Craftsman in the back of the tool cabinet and swore I'd never use it again after I had ruined another piece of expensive lumber. Well, time marches on and I have now made a...
  6. S

    Woodcut pro-forme hollower users?

    Hi all, I just got a Woodcut Pro-forme hollower from Woodworkers Supply as below and it is a beautiful thing. I highly recommend it. What I am wondering is if any other users out there have tips or hints on sharpening or using...
  7. S

    Veritas scraper burnisher users out there?

    I took Steve Coles most excellent advice on getting a Veritas scraper burnisher for turners as below.....,330,49233&ap=1 ....and it has opened an entirely new door for me to use my scrapers for 220 grit finishes. Thank you Steve. I was...
  8. froglips

    Yup, more Online Users updates.....

    These are minor. First, I must apologize and retract my statements about "Buddies" being the new name for "Contacts". I was wrong. So, when speaking to friends, family and stuffed animals please use the term "Contacts". Here is the "Contacts" page where you can view/manage your Contacts...
  9. froglips

    Photo upload selection for Linux users......

    The new flash uploader works like a charm! Only issue I found was upper case filenames. FILENAME.JPG files are not seen, whereas FILENAME.jpg is seen in the file selection window. Odds are its a Linux user issue, which probably only affect me and ashley_phil :-) I'll work on this one...
  10. froglips

    Axe users?

    I've been playing more with a few poor axes. The kind you'd get at KMart in a camping kit :-) Are folks using hewing hatchets? Broad axes? Felling axes? I ask, as I'm unsure where to go with this. Since I don't work in green wood, I'm not sure I'd gain much by investing in a good axe...
  11. TracyP

    3000 Users

    We hit three thousand users today :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
  12. SteveColes

    When users want to be deleted

    Over the last 3 1/2 years we have about 5 or 6 users request to be deleted. We have never actually done the deletion. For the most part we just ignore the request and the person starts to come back in time. However, when the request is made the people are angry about something and proceed to...
  13. SteveColes

    Policy, Off topic forum and frustrated users and staff

    Policy, Off Topic Forums and frustrated users and staff. Let me share with you my thoughts :neener: Having said that, let me explain:gar-La; Yesterday, a lot of things got out of hand. The moderators were trying to stop the discussion of economics policy,etc. They were having a hard time...
  14. S

    DeWalt 735 Planer Users Question

    Is the 2 speed function on this planer, electrical or mechanical? Another words when you change speeds (while machine is running) does it speed up/down via the motor speed hence electrical ? Or Does this switching method change the orientation of blades,etc...? When I switched the speed...
  15. SteveColes

    Number of users stats

    If you look, you'll see that the number of users has slipped under 2000:swoon:that is becuase the out of the box vbulletin code includes people who haven't activated their accounts and may not, suspended users, deceased users, and users in moderation which only about 25% get approved. So the...
  16. DaveO

    Ryobi users manual

    Should we put it in a place that all visitors can dowload it. There have been several new membership requests just to get a copy of it. I think it might be smart to make it public instead of e-mailing it to every individual who requests. You would think that one of those folks would post it on...
  17. Makinsawdust

    ? for Forrest Blade Users

    I'm re-evaluating my current saw blade usage, brand, and sharpening service. I'm curious what the total cost of sending Forrest blades back in for sharpening runs? If you WWII users would share what the cost is including shipping I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Rob
  18. DaveO

    Water-stone users....

    Show me your stone ponds or how you store/use them. Any tips would be appreciated. I have been sharpening with a well worn DMT diamond stone, but just didn't have the grit differential to do what I wanted to do with it. So on my chisel shopping spree I thought it might be a good idea to upgrade...
  19. erasmussen

    HF lathe users

    For those of you who have an HF lathe, and would like to make your own tool rests Fastenal has 25mm bar stock, $1.50/in part# 0953373 I am ordering 4ea 3in pieces:eusa_danc
  20. YankeePop

    Looking for CarveWright users

    I have a CarveWright 3D carving machine. I'm looking CW users in NC to share ideas and patterns. I've been using mine 5 months now and luv it. :icon_thum Some of my completed projects can be seen at:

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