
  1. T

    Earlier could not login message-disregard

    Evening, I had sent a email to the administrator requesting assistance because I had forgotten my password. Well, immediately after I sent it, my feeble brain bulb kicked in... The request was sent with a reply address of (email deleted to avert the spambots) So, please disregard the assistance...
  2. J

    Login again, and again, and again?

    I'm already logged in to the Main Site. When replying to several posts in multiple forums I get this repetitious vBulletin Board message requiring that I login again, and again, and again... Why? It's awfully redundant and annoying. It didn't used to be that way. :dontknow:
  3. MarkE

    Can't login using cordless mode

    So I got a new toy that I am trying to use to login to the site in cordless mode. I put in my user name and my password, check the remember me box and press the login button. I get a http 404 error every time. On my PC I can logout, switch to cordless mode and log in with no problem, but it...
  4. golfdad


    why does the site not let me login when using AOL.....does the forum have something against AOL an have it blocked??
  5. M

    Login name change

    I just registered and somehow set my login to mar instead of marvinrb, is there a way to change it? I will never remember to use mar as a login. Thanks.
  6. golfdad


    Why can I not login on AOL but as soon as I try in IE it goes right thru
  7. 8N

    Change my LOGIN

    How do I change my LOGIN? I am a new member and chose BillB for a login name, not realizing there is already a Bill B. It could lead to confusion.
  8. mgoins

    Login timeOut

    Looked around a little on FAQs & such looking for the answer to this question: What's the site login timeout value? And, what would it take to extend it to an hour, say. It seems to be really short - 10-15 minutes or so. Am relatively new to the site as a poster, but have had a couple...

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