
  1. S

    25yr old gettin started with my shop

    Hey guys! First time posting, lots of knowledge on these forums! Recently just moved to Camp Lejeune as a Navy FMF Corpsman and bought my first house! Tryin to set up my garage to start learning and gettin into wood work working again. Took woodworking for 4 years in high school and loved it...
  2. Graywolf

    Handsaw skills workshop

    I'd like to see if anyone is interested in a handsaw skills workshop for September 15th at Bill Clemmons shop 10am-4pm. From breaking down stock to joinery, I would like demonstrate, coach, and give participants some drills to take with them for practice. The workshop can handle six...
  3. SgtSnafu

    Always learning something new in Randleman

    Hello Everyone, I have known about NC Woodworker for a little while now, but just recently become a member as free time is tough to come by. I am able to spare some time sometimes while at work to peruse the site (which I am sure our IT will eventually get onto me about that)... I...
  4. mbeach

    New Scroller... any info on learning?

    I am getting a scroll saw in the next week or so. I have never done this before and want to learn. Any websites? videos? books? etc. to learn from that people recommend? Thanks Mike
  5. timf67

    Learning Turning the Hard Way Part II

    A while back I posted a thread and pictures of my first bowl attempt and resulting blowout (or spoon rest:icon_thum) Anyway, I CA glued the biggest chunks back on and finished it like a "natural edge" bowl I then proceeded onto my second bowl - the one I roughed with a spindle...
  6. timf67

    Learning Turning the Hard Way

    Well, I made the leap and tried my hand at turning! After turning a successfully turning a pen (with the pen kit and tools that Phil Ashley threw in with his old lathe I bought from him - thanks again Phil! though as my wallet shrinks I may end up cursing you! :wsmile:) I decided to try a...
  7. Larry Rose

    Learning Fan Inlay

    I decided to try my hand at fan inlay on this simple box so that when I mess up it won't be any great loss. This is my first attempt and it really tested my religon. Maybe the rest will get easier.
  8. Ralrick

    Watching, learning - only making a little dust

    I've been part of the website for almost two years and have really appreciated the help and guidance offered by so many on this site. The offyer of both time and expertise has been nothing short of amazingly gracious. As for me, I started woodworking about two years ago when I decided to give...
  9. TN Woodie

    Learning Craftsmanship

    I have been a tinkerer all my life, using a handsaw to cut a bow on a piece of wood to make a toy boat before I can remember how old I was. My Dad always let me explore my limits, even though I rarely put the tools back where I found them. I made a stool (Trestle style) in the 8th grade...
  10. WoodWrangler

    Cabinet Dealership Learning Center

    Not knowing if, or how many, cabinet dealers we might have out here ... I figured I'd post this as it might have interest to some of you ... This website is a resource for cabinet dealerships/owners/operators with a variety of articles on improving operations, being more profitable, and other...
  11. J


    I've been working on and off with Jim (Insteadof) for a while now and brought my sawmill out to his place this this past week. Jim's a supper intelligent guy, packed with a world full of wisdom and he's very friendly to boot. Even though he's never sawn lumber from logs with a sawmill before...
  12. CarvedTones

    Pricing while learning and getting into a market

    I know this is kinda vague and very general as a topic. Here are some more specifics as it pertains to what I am doing... I want to make carved body historical musical instruments when I semi-retire in (hopefully) a dozen years or so (I turn 50 late this year). Here are a couple of pages...
  13. Hook

    It's all a learning process

    What to do and what not to do. This is pink ivory. Something tells me it's not made for scrolling. It's very dense and will dull a blade in very little time. Notice the piece on the left - all burnt up. I only used 5 blades on this piece. :kamahlitu Now notice the piece on the right -...
  14. Bigdog72

    Learning and laughing at myself

    Haven't had a shop for seven years but woodworking is like riding a bike, right? Had no problem building my assembly table on wheels. No problem getting all the used (new to me) tools I bought up and running. Only cut wrong once so far. Put a hard board top on workbench. Go to trim with router...
  15. D

    Learning from others in Durham

    Hello. My wife and I moved from Tennessee to Durham last year to be closer to my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. I have done some small woodworking projects in the past but I want to do more. I am building a house soon that will include a basement workshop. I learn best by reading and...
  16. Flyingspyder

    Still learning

    Messing around after tuning my bandsaw. I think I got it straight (finally) and what a difference it makes. This box is made from a block of Poplar and came out rather well. Inspired by the Texas box in a book I just bought. Stained the top with a Minwax finish just to see how it would look. I...
  17. Jim Murphy

    Learning techniques on the cheap

    As I said in my intro, I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks. I'm also rather cheap. In that regard, I'm using materials that are either very cheap or free to practice on. Since everyone wants to see pictures, I decided to become a rooster and crow a little. Here's a picture of my shop. It...
  18. ebarr

    Second Guy Learning to turn, and what I've learned

    Hello everybody, I am fairly new to the forum. I have been lurking for the most part for the past few months. Only coming out on a few posts. I think this is a great forum and want to thank everyone for the great information that gets posted. Several weeks ago my wife purchased a slot for...
  19. Travis Porter

    Learning to turn

    Well, I have taken the plunge and pulled out the $50 lathe (not even good enought to be harbor freight) that my father bought me with two complete sets of tools and turned a mallet like so many others have. I downloaded the plans from Wood magazine, glued up my parts and got started. The...
  20. SteveColes

    A tale of learning to Turn

    The only reason I am posting this is to assure everyone, that I am trying to learn to turn with my Rikon Midi Lathe:eusa_danc I think it was almost a year ago that I took a beginner's class on turning. The first half of the class was the standard bead cove stick, which I was terrible at and...

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