Harbor Freight coupons ENDED

Martin Roper

Senior User
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Senior User
Hey, Mr. Roper, thanks a bunch (well, $2.70* so far)!

Had another one of their cheap wagon tires go to pot and your coupons came just in time.

Managed to get there, get back, swap out the flat, load the wagon (firewood) all before more than a half-inch of fluffy white transformed our vistas!

* Well, after dee duck'g for the gas $2.65/G 20MPG $2.70 - $1.69 = $1.01. But, still . . . :p


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Many YouTube sites dealing with HF say there is no reason to buy from them at full price. Although some items are always excluded, there's almost always a coupon in the emails or flyers somewhere.


Senior User
"there is seldom a reason to buy from them at full price" AGREE

But I watch people do it every time I'm in there. Notably their coupons offering discounts for 'items under $10' offer discount that generally accord with the advertised sales price of the included item(s). That is, the coupons reflect the significant markup of the lower-priced items and basically are simply a different way to off them at a profitable discount. That said, the 'any item' or 'any item at or less than x' coupons make it easier to collect the odd things the last sale of which you may have missed.

I get their emails. But they (recently at least) have advertised coupons in the email subject line but not included copies in the body of the email with 'the rest of the specific item coupons.'

The also dropped paper copies of their ads in favor of Internet Media because 'everyone' has a cell phone.

I don't, so have to write myself a note, copying the coupon numbers and as often as not forget to include this, that or even the other on my handwritten list.


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I used to just print them off the internet site when they came around, but I couldn't figure out how to print more than 1 coupon per page.......


Senior User
"I couldn't figure out how to print more than 1 coupon per page......."

I haven't tried in a while. But 'back then' I recall I would simply select each coupon of interest and open in a new tab (using Chrome Browser) and some how, as I went, they accumulated on a tab, one on the first tab, two on the second tab, then three on the third and so forth. Then I printed the last tab. I JUST TRIED IT TONIGHT - it did not work - each tab held just the one coupon (tried FIREFOX and CHROME - no luck)

Since, I learned that all you really need is the coupon Code Number which I simply jot down on an envelope or scrap of paper. If I had a cell, all I would need is the bottom of each coupon: and they could scan it - or manually enter the number(s)


Senior User
Just put the images on your phones.
Martin, everyone does NOT have a cell phone.
When I was a kid, there was one phone in the house. It was on the wall in the kitchen and you weren't allowed to answer it w/o asking first. We got along just fine. Still have a Land Line. Works when the power's out, the tower's down and, even when you don't pay your bill, you can still use it to get to 911.
For years my land line was under the name Gooey Tarballs When scammers and salesmen would call and ask for Mr. Tarballs, we knew it wasn't anyone we needed to speak to and hung up. I had an unlisted number in effect w/o paying for it and it worked like a charm. Of course after Osama put us in fear and we got the patriot act, it was really difficult to get such a number again. I have an answering machine and an online answering service (Spectrum) so I seldom miss and important call and never miss receiving an unimportant one :D


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Got tired of all the spam phone calls and unplugged my VoIP phone, just kept the # since I have had it for 50+ years. Still get them on my cell, though. I keep getting calls and texts asking for Edna Boyles. I started telling them she died last night. The next step will be to fake the murder investigation reply (How do you know Mrs. Boyles? , etc.). Land buyers are the thing now in my area. That, and Social Security Supplements fishers.

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