
  1. Artisan Pirate

    Compound Cut Christmas Present, Using A Scroll Saw Compound Cutting Jig (Video)

    Hey Everyone! In this fun scroll saw project video, we make a beautiful 3D Compound Cut Christmas Present and I even show you all how to use a Compound Cutting Jig to hold small pieces! The Design comes from the Winter 2021 Issue 85 of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Magazine by Fox Chapel...
  2. BrianGeib

    Completed Christmas present - Sofa Table

    Here is the sofa table that I made for my sister. It matches the end tables that I made for her this summer. All wood is QSWO from Scott. We were able to find everything I needed from the same tree. This was some very pretty wood. As usual, thank you Scott for your help and attention to detail...
  3. CrealBilly

    Present to myself

    The good thing about my sons running the sawmill is that I can get some for myself. Instead of sawing for everyone else and only keeping what didn't sell. Southern IL 9/4 x 5' slab cut Black Walnut crotch :) For some some strange reason I see a couple guitar bodies in there, I mean the horns...
  4. Bill Clemmons

    My grandson's Christmas present

    My grandson, Luke, wanted to give his girlfriend something w/ the UNC logo on it. But after hitting a few stores on the 23rd, he didn't find anything that suited him. So he decided to make her something in the shop. He did all the layout and carving, then I helped him put the Walnut border...
  5. A

    Early Christmas Present

    I debated whether to post this since I can't provide any details, but I got an early Christmas present last Friday. Many of you know I licensed my box joint jig design (should be out sometime next month) and that I probably do as much or more tinkering than I do woodworking. Well I haven't...
  6. Canuck

    Grand Daughter's 1ST B'Day Present

    Well as all of my projects seem to do, they create some frustrations and teach me a lot but in the end everything ends up being ok by my standards in hopes that they will last a little while. I started by getting some awfully nice QSRO from Scott Smith back in early December. Being a real...
  7. dlrion

    Anniversary Present

    I have been married to SWMBO for 4 years now! My wife really likes the anniversary theme's and 4 years is flowers. So I made her a flower! This was a little tricky to figure out, but I got it. View image in gallery
  8. FredP

    aniversary present for SWMBO.

    quick project for the day. cypress without finish. The old one was falling to pieces so ..... why not surprise her with a new one.:gar-Bi
  9. S

    Search Member button is now present but kaput

    I realize the search members list is available by clicking >Community >Members List and then choosing the search option at the far right. However, now the "Search Members List" button is now available again directly under the >Community button. But when you click that option I get: Not...
  10. D

    My Brthers Wedding Present

    I made this end grain cuting board for my brother as a wedding gift. It is out of hard maple and purple heart with several coats of mineral oil applied for a finish. I told them to use it and abuse and that if they some how damage it we would fix it back up good as new. Please excuse the poor...
  11. PeteM

    A Late Christmas Present for LOML

    I was supposed to have this done for Christmas but didn't quite make it. :dontknow: Anyhow - It's done now and Carol likes it! :eusa_danc 1" thick, Maple, custom fit to the sink. I made a template of the sink opening and cut a rabbit around the bottom so it doesn't scoot around. pete
  12. eyekode

    Lightbox Christmas present

    My mom asked for a lightbox for Christmas this year. I thought I would try to build one instead of buy. This was the first time I used keyed miter joints. The box is milled out of a single board and the grain would have lined up great in the corners... but I had to re-cut one of them due to a...
  13. flyrod444

    early Xmas present for shop

    This is a Christmas present to myself. I was planning on buying this saw in the spring, but went ahead and got it when they put them on sale for $300.00 off until the end of the year. This bandsw is built like a tank. It weighed 667 pounds in the crate it came in. I got my nephew to help me push...
  14. LeftyTom

    I Present the Humble.....

    GFCI outlet. not just any GFCI, but the highly esteemed 20A GFCI. Over the past week or so, I've wired two 20A GFCI circuits in my basement workshop. Monday evening, I wired both circuits into the breaker panel. One circuit has 3 outlets, the other has two. Both circuits have an outlet...
  15. L

    Birthday Present!

    I made this for my mother in law for her birthday. It did not turn out Great but not terrible either! Cherry Burl,with Walnut top and Purple Heart finial. The pics sure do not do it justice. Jeff
  16. skysharks

    Early Anniversary Present( edited)

    Well the story kind of goes like this........... She forgot last year,,,,shhhhh I didn't say that!!!!:crossedlips::crossedlips: No I didn't, and I will deny that I told anyone.:help: Ordered this baby Saturday afternoon and picked it up at the terminal this afternoon. (Talk about fast) Here...
  17. PChristy

    Christmas present Scroll saw style

    I made this Manger scene for LOML for Christmas - It is made out of 1/4 stock that is BC/BW and I am not sure what the white wood is - The base is 3/4 Mahagony that I saved from a job we did back in the summer - again sorry about the picture-I will try again later I cut this box out on the...
  18. PChristy

    Christmas present turning style

    Here is what I turned at TracyP's last week when I got week and fell into the Dark side-sorry about the fuzzy picture-I tried to fix it but as you can see - I didn't know what I was going to turn until after I started then it hit me that the LOML loves candles so I started making this candle...
  19. Jay

    Christmas Present

    My brother is a duck hunter and so I made this wildlife plate for him as a Christmas present. Took longer than I thought but still got it done in time. Phew!! Anyway here it is. Thanks for looking and any constructive criticism you may have. It is the only way I learn.
  20. woodguy1975

    Divorce Present to self. :)

    Well, finally things are official with my divorce, a rediculously long process, and I thought I'd celebrate a little bit with a "gift to self". I've wanted one for a while. They come in handy fine tuning chair jointery. I've gotten by with my Veritas medium shoulder plane, but this little...

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